Willie’s problem is that his plot is up against the Wildsplaas. Now, the Wildsplaas is no longer a place where wild animals are kept, as its name suggests. But it is an excellent place for thieves to hide out and raid the plots bordering it. In a month, Willie lost
In the past I have written about magic from time to time and always advised my readers to take it seriously. Never say things like “there’s no such thing as magic” or “magic is just trickery” or any such silly thing. I also spoke that way at one time, but
The Middle Ages and Us
British student of political economy Susan Strange said of the Dark Ages, “There was no vision of how one made a better life.” The Book of Proverbs in the Bible discusses the consequences of a world without vision. Part of Chapter 29 reads, “Where there is no vision the people
Morality in South Africa
I cannot help but notice that in my country morality, regarding race discrimination, and morality, regarding the misappropriation of public funds, do not seem to be related. Those who have gained stature as fighters for freedom are sometimes remarkably free with the money of others. When a dozen years after